What is Lexica?
Lexica ry (est. 1967) is the subject association for students of foreign languages (English, Scandinavian languages, German, and Russian) at Tampere University. Lexica’s main tasks include protecting the students’ rights and making student life more fun. Lexica also has its own magazine called Konteksti (Context) which became 100% electronic in 2020.
We organize lots of different free-time activities like parties, game nights, sport events and movie nights. We also aim to organize study-related events from time to time, such as info sessions on minor subject studies, working life, and so on.
If you have an idea of an event we should organize, do not hesitate to contact us.
How to become a member of Lexica?
Lexica’s membership fees are 20 euros for a seven-year membership or 8 euros for a one-year membership. You can pay the fee with cash during Lexica’s coffee hours.
By showing the membership sticker you will get a discount on many entrance fees of Lexica’s events. Also, only members of Lexica can take part and vote in Lexica’s official meetings (usually one in the spring term and another in the autumn term). In addition, only members are eligible to be members of the board.
Also anyone interested in Lexica can become a supporting member. You can become a supporting member by filling out this form.
The board of Lexica
Lexica is run by a board, which is elected in November or December each year. All members of Lexica are eligible to be members of the board. The board of Lexica has meetings regularly. Members of Lexica will be informed about the time and place of the meetings via the mailing list, Lexilista. Everyone interested in Lexica is warmly welcomed to visit the meetings. Please note, however, that the language of the meetings is Finnish.
The board of 2024:
Chair: Viveka Strömmer (puheenjohtaja[at]lexicary.fi / tg: @vivekastrommer)
Vice-chair: Luukas Keränen (tg: @luukeri)
Secretary: Matias Lindqvist (sihteeri[at]lexicary.fi / tg: @ylikriittinen)
Treasurer: Susanna Segerman (talous[at]lexicary.fi / tg: @voittomies)
Communications organizer: Mars Hokkanen (viestinta[at]lexicary.fi / tg: @jalkasalaatti)
Tutoring organizers: Henna Herronen & Sara Arvola (tuutorointi[at]lexicary.fi / tg: @pallomerirosvo & @sararvola)
Event organizers: Tytti Lindberg & Nea Rönkkö (tapahtumat[at]lexicary.fi / tg: @haauska & @nearonkko)
Educational policy organizer: Niko Rinne (kopo[at]lexicary.fi / tg: @elnijo)
Social policy organizer: Ilmari Puiseva (sopo[at]lexicary.fi / tg: @Irmali)
Business relations organizer: Sanni Miettinen (ulkosuhteet[at]lexicary.fi / tg:sannikainen)
KIELARIT-organizer: Erkki Tauria (kielarit[at]lexicary.fi / tg: bassoerkki)
Kyrpong organizers: (kyrpong[at]lexicary.fi)
International affairs: (kansainvalisyys[at]lexicary.fi)
Two harassment contact persons were chosen for the year 2024: Hilma Mikkonen & Sonja Myllymäki. You can contact both of them by email (hairinta[at]lexicary.fi) or separately on Telegram (Hilma: @hilmakatriina, Sonja: @Sonjamyllym).
Language clubs
There are also separate clubs for each language Lexica represents: SAS (for students of English), Svenssonit (Scandinavian languages), Lederhosen (German), and KOSMOS/KOCMOC (Russian). For the most part, the language clubs organize events for students of each language, but it is not uncommon for them to join forces in order to organize a joint party, for example.
Contact and Communication
You can contact the board of Lexica by sending an e-mail to hallitus_lexica[at]lists.tuni.fi. If you wish to contact an individual board member, you are free to do so – the e-mail addresses are listed above. You can also contact us anonymously here.
If you are more into old school, you can reach us by snail mail as well (Lexica ry, Tampereen yliopisto 33014).
The best way to get info on all things Lexica (about upcoming events, for example) is to join our mailing list, Lexilista. You can do it here.